Mike McGinley


Signature Strength
Seems to have a metaphor for everything. Except for strength.

Signature Weakness

Passionate about
Creating things. With other people. See how that might lead to a little overcommitment?

His story
Led large-scale operations functions in 3 Fortune 200 companies, always leveraging people to achieve the improbable. Through the process of being a client of executive coaches, realized he’d really been an internal coach having line responsibility for all those years! Left corporate in 2006 to commit his professional life to developing great leaders.

Learning edge
Fascinated by the symmetry and the dissonance between what our brain is wired to do and our modern behavioral mores.

Loves to…
Climb mountains and ride bikes as fast as he can.

Would rather not…
Read instructions. Or write them, for that matter.

Wishes he…
Had invested more heavily in mastering the language while living in France

Life Lesson…
Laughter and a broad perspective are a virtuous cycle

Favorite band of all time…
The Dresden Dolls

If he had to spend one year in someone else’s life…
Craig Dodson – Richmond Cycling Corps. A CNN Hero, Craig does unbelievable ground work to positively and personally affect the lives of urban youth in tough situations. I aspire to his mix of courage, compassion, tenacity, street cred, and drive to make the world just for everyone.

On his life goals list…
Stand atop the highest point in each of the 50 states (44 down and 6 to go!)

Favorite time waster…
Attending sporting events with my kids, and listening to smart, imaginative podcasts

Favorite quote
“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now” – Chinese Proverb