Signature Strength
Calling out the elephant in the room
Signature Weakness
Passionate about
Staying inspired
Her story
Coach with a specialty in executive communications; Author of two books; Co-founded and led one of the first and largest technology communications firms in the Washington, D.C. area for a decade; Heart of an entrepreneur.
Learning edge
Staying uncomfortable longer than it’s comfortable.
Loves to…
Learn. I’ll read anything about virtually any arcane concept that vaguely interests me. Fiction, non-fiction, online, offline, magazines, reviews, travel brochures… Apologies to everyone on the other side of, “Hey, I just read this article…”
Would rather not…
Do things I’m terrible at.
Wishes she…
Tried more things I’m terrible at.
Life Lesson…
Your pain is your pathway.
Favorite band of all time…
Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
If she had to spend one year in someone else’s life…
Madeleine Albright, 1997
On her life goals list…
Publish a short story
Favorite time waster…
Binge-watching great shows
Favorite quote
“Action is the antidote to despair.” Joan Baez